Betsy Warland to Edit The Malahat Review’s “Queer Perspectives” issue
Mar 7, 2018 | by Shazia Hafiz Ramji

The Malahat Review invites writers identifying as LGBTQ2S? to submit their work for consideration for an issue celebrating contemporary queer writing in Canada!
Guest editors Ali Blythe, Trevor Corkum, and Betsy Warland are interested in considering submissions of exciting contemporary LGBTQ2S? writing by poets, short-story, and creative-nonfiction authors whose work makes vivid and particular their experience of being alive in the world.
Editors will work collaboratively to select work for the “Queer Perspectives” issue of The Malahat Review to emphasize inclusivity, trust, and diversity.
Submissions close on July 15, 2018.
Visit The Malahat Review to read more.