News & Missives

The Writers’ Union of Canada launches Short Prose Competition for Emerging Writers

The Writers’ Union of Canada launches its 26th annual Short Prose Competition for Emerging Writers, which invites submissions of fiction and nonfiction for a grand prize of $2500.

The Union is proud to announce an esteemed group of jurors for the Competition:

  • Peter Dubé is the author, co-author, or editor of eleven books including the novels Hovering World and The City’s Gates, the short fiction collection At the Bottom of the Sky, the novella Subtle Bodies, which was a finalist for the Shirley Jackson Award, and Conjure: a Book of Spells, a collection of prose poems that was shortlisted for the A.

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Betsy at Canadian Writers Against Kinder-Morgan Expansion

On Saturday, August 25, Betsy Warland and many writers gathered to protest the Kinder Morgan buyout and pipeline expansion in Burnaby, BC.

Writers met to share concerns about the threat to local waters; the federal government’s promise that toxic bitumen can be cleaned up when science says it can’t; the marketing of tar sands oil, adding hugely to climate change; the squandering of Canadian tax dollars on a plainly awful business deal; and the violation of the rights and titles of Indigenous peoples during this time of reconciliation.

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Oscar of Between adapted for musical performance

Oscar of Between by Betsy Warland will be performed with musical accompaniment on September 19, 2018!

You are cordially invited to attend a read-through performance of The Art of Camouflage for mezzo soprano/baritone, piano & percussion by Lloyd Burritt.

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Vancouver Manuscript Intensive Accepting Applications

The Vancouver Manuscript Intensive is accepting applications for 2019. VMI is an in-depth one-to-one mentorship program that pairs you with a professional author to develop your manuscript to its fullest potential.

VMI mentorship begins with an in-person meeting to develop a rapport, discuss your manuscript, and confirm your goals.

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