News & Missives

Come hear VMI Faculty Read at “Read Local BC”


Read Local BC is a series of dynamic events organized by the BC Association of Book Publishers to promote local authors, book sellers, libraries and publishers throughout the province. If you live in Vancouver, you won’t want to miss two fantastic events featuring VMI faculty and alumni.

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Vancouver Manuscript Intensive Celebrates Its 2016 Alumni

Thanks to everyone who came out to VMI’s 2016 alumni reading last Sunday afternoon at Britannia Library in East Vancouver.

This diverse  group of poets, fiction and  non-fiction writers regaled the audience with writing about a cariboo queen, a traveller on the Camino de Santiago, a reluctant American,  environmentalism, and much more.

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Reading: Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2016

Join us for our Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2016 Reading on June 5th at 3PM and hear eight diverse and dynamic nonfiction and fiction writers read from their manuscripts.

Penny Allport
Rachel Grav
Jodi Lundgren
Marie Maccagno
Margaret Macpherson
Anuradha Rao
Elana Scraba
DG Thiel

Every year, VMI audiences have commented that this is one of the most enjoyable readings they’ve attended so do mark it on your calendar.

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