News & Missives

Writer Q&As: How do you find new energy in your writing?

I have miles of writing in my journals and notebooks and over the years, I return again and again to themes and issues––is that catharsis, compost or content?

I guess my real question is how to break out of habitual approaches, find new energy in this content, and discern what belongs in poetic voice and form?

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Accepting Wait List: Vox: Out of the Box! A Workshop & Support Group for Memoirists with Betsy Warland

The workshop is currently full but we are accepting wait list requests. You will be notified if a space becomes available or if a new workshop is scheduled in the near future.

Five Tuesdays, 7–9 PM, April 5th— May 3rd
West End, Vancouver
Register: Contact us at
Tuition: $290 + GST

Given that writing memoir is an arduous, often isolating experience, I am offering five evenings that will be part workshop, part instruction, part conversation, part Q & A.

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Apply to Vancouver Manuscript Intensive before November 17

The Vancouver Manuscript Intensive deadline is fast approaching. We’re accepting applications of your best creative non-fiction, poetry, fiction, and mixed-genre writing up until November 17th.

Work with one of our excellent mentors: Claudia Casper, Shaena Lambert, Rachel Rose, Cathleen With, Karen X.

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Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2016 — Apply November 17, 2015

Writers of all genres are welcomed to apply to the Vancouver Manuscript Intensive 2016.

Whether you have begun a manuscript, have a body of work that needs shaping into a manuscript, or have graduated from a writing program but haven’t resolved your manuscript, the Vancouver Manuscript Intensive is a comprehensive, tailored course developed specifically for your particular writing needs.

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