Plot & Structure Workshop with Kathryn Para in Vancouver

NEW! VMI mentors and graduates will now be offering workshop and mini courses from time to time. Subscribe to the newsletter for notification.
Plot and Structure with Kathryn Para, MFA
Shortlisted: Ethel Wilson Fiction
Winner: Great BC Novel Contest
Date: November 7
Fee: $65.00
Location: Vancouver’s West End
Length: 4 hours. 11-3:30 (half hour break for lunch BYOL)
Registration: Email Kathryn at
Minimum of 4 students, maximum of 12.
Whether you’re writing short or long, literary or genre fiction, for the stage, screen or web, your story needs a plot. We will discuss how to develop your character’s needs and desires into internal and external plots and use specific writing tools to focus your plot threads and embed your theme. Then we’ll explore causality and how it drives the plot and brings your story to a satisfying end.
We’ll explore the Hero’s Journey and use this effective storytelling structure to identify plotting problems and break down the elements and identify story structure’s strengths and weaknesses.
Bring a pen and paper so we can focus your story ideas with specific writing tools and exercises and be prepared to share!
By the end of the class, participants will understand character arc, how internal and external plots develop from your character’s desire and need, and how story structure affects plot, pace, and reader response. You’ll take away two excellent tools that focus your plot and kick writer’s block to the curb! Custom course materials will be provided.
Check out this postcard: kpara west end workshop