Writer Q&As: Writing an Acknowledgements Page

What are some guidelines you would suggest for writing an Acknowledgements page? [Rahat Kurd]
Often, this is a task to do in the 11th hour before publication but in fact, it’s an important piece of writing. The Acknowledgements page used to be where the author expressed appreciation to individuals and institutions. A separate page listed where portions of the book had previously been published. Now, these two pages are typically combined. Previously published credits are cited first, then, appreciations. Examples of what you might include are:
- Research sources (institutions and individuals)
- Funding and grants
- Editor(s)
- Publisher
- Residencies and colonies
- Teachers, mentors, other writers, creative writing programs
- Readers who read and gave feedback to your work-in-progress
- Individuals whose support helped you write the book
Review at least ten books to see how different authors have written their acknowledgements page. Note what they include as well as their style and tone. What do you like? What don’t you like? Acknowledgements can be used to: name-drop; express your gratitude; identify people in your ongoing community of support; signal which organizations have supported you and may do so again with future projects. Acknowledgements, via a narrative style, can also give a sense of the story behind the book. Consider it carefully. Take time to write it. Usually, the most pivotal support comes from those who go the extra mile in the beginning, all along, or in the end. Don’t forget them and be apologizing after the book comes out.
Answered by Betsy Warland.